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2023-2024 will be Hell on Earth

26 April 2022
Panama City, Panama
Mind dump, sans edit

This has been an obvious train wreck for a very long time. Famines generally come in slow motion. (Sometimes not, but usually, they are slow motion. Hongerwinter 1944-45 was fast motion). This is very slow motion but colossal. The most incredible PanFaWar in human history is unfolding.

My estimate: this will not be a two-year famine. Most famines go for roughly two years. The Great PanFaWar is shaping up to be a long hauler. Sometime in 2022, the famines will become obvious. By end of 2023, colossal. These will create enormous HOP: Human Osmotic Pressure to migrate. OGUS — the Occupying Government of United States — is expanding the Darien Pipeline through Darien Gap which can and likely will facilitate millions of Asians, Africans, and South Americans into United States. Europe did similar and suffers for it greatly now. Wrecking entire areas of Europe and causing Europeans to change their way of life. Watching their women get raped. Mass terror attacks. Priest decapitated in church. That sort of thing. Just reality. My currency is reality.

What caused the fire at Notre Dame? Did we ever get to the bottom of that?

While our economy and food supply collapses, OGUS has opened the floodgates to anyone. Many of these people come from highly predatory cultures. I’ve lived around the world. Spent more than half my life in more than 80 other countries. Some cultures are HIGHLY PREDATORY. I see many representatives of these cultures flooding into our country. They will be hungry on our streets. Many will rape our women and boys. These are just facts. I see it all the time downrange.

You cannot run far enough away from this. We will fight, or we will lose. Those are our choices.

Thank you for your support. Frontline work is expensive. And I, too, need to take a break soon to prepare my own defenses:

Michael Yon

Michael Yon is America's most experienced combat correspondent. He has traveled or worked in 82 countries, including various wars and conflicts.

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  1. Millions through the Darien Gap/pipeline? According to reports I’ve read, appeox. 250 people a day are traversing that deadly area otw to the US. That’s a whopping 91k/year, but no where remotely close to millions, and that’s from your reporting. It’s also one of the most dangerous and impassable areas in the world where people die all the time, so this number will be lower. Regardless of the US border policy, this is fear-mongering at its finest. You’ll have to provide more facts and legitimate data to convince me that this supposed PanFaWar is legit.

    • I don’t think he needs to prove his case. We’re seeing this already in our little town. Foreigners have converged on us who don’t even try to fit in. They’re not friendly at all. Why? They’ve been told they’re replacing Americans.

    • Real data,thanks.Also there is the Fact that sime time ago many photos and vudeis caught fake migrants being durected and ciached as in a Movie Director telling them wgat and when to do it.Analyses of various so-calked migrants clearly indicate that they were actors.Agree with Yon”s point about Euromigrants ruining much of the Euroculture and doing ghastly things.There are Predatory,unevolved cultures,for sure.Like a culture that accepts and encourages so-called honor murder of women who aren”t brainwashed enough to want to marry a strange man 20 or30 years her senior.All religions are corrupted,mostly on purpose.History is not really our human history-it has been hidden,twisted,deleted.Asheanna Deane”s work says certain oeoples are supposed to be in certain areas of the Earth as their DNA is linked spuritually or cosmicly to leylines and stargates and these people are guardians and keymasters.The Kalergi Plan and Operation Lockstep detail these insane tactics including creation of migration waves via war,famine,economic hardship,laws.There are also legit spiritual reasons to not procreate with certain genetic lines as it lowers frequencies and makes one inherit the genetic karma and weaknesses morally or spiritually elena danaan dolores cannon karla turner kim goguen gene decode dr.Ardis sherry edwards and jill matteson-kathara healing. and theorionlines.c peterdavidbeter max ighan Rockbooks projectcamelotportal david adair Col. Tom Beardon richard lighthouse

  2. Michael, Do you think Taiwan is China’s excuse for war on American shores? JR Nyquist, Mike Adams and others believe it is highly probably that the massive numbers of tanks and armaments is way over kill for Taiwan. They don’t need to attack Taiwan if they can cause America to fall, then Taiwan will surrender without much damage.
    Do you think this is a a high probabillity to happen, and what kind of time frame – weeks, or months?

  3. despite many believing – through the lens of normalcy bias – it can’t happen here, it is here already. And pushed into a corner not of their own making, the well armed, trained, and fed up traditional Americans; will take out the trash. And it will be a bloody mess. A very bloody mess. No way out but through. There is for sure a fight coming. Let’s win

    • Right there with you Grandpa!!

  4. Hi Michael –

    Re: “What caused the fire at Notre Dame? Did we ever get to the bottom of that?”

    The official story is that the fire at the world-famous Notre Dame Cathedral was caused by an electric short or some other “workplace accident,” but internet camera footage showing a man dressed in Muslim grab setting the blaze, was downloaded and captured by independent observers before the French government managed to get it scrubbed.

    Macron’s government is explicitly hostile to the France of its founders, and he is a globalist and graduate of the Young Leaders Program at the World Economic Forum.

    As for churches in France, there have been some four-hundred churches set on fire in recent years. And as you note, priests attacked and even killed via ritual beheading carried out by jihadists.

    The Islamic colonization of France is now so far-advanced that in certain sections of large cities, outsiders – meaning infidels or non-Muslims – cannot enter in safety without a police or military escort. Sharia patrols of young Islamic thugs patrol the streets and police the clothing and behavior of everyone in these areas. And the Quai d’Orsay (French foreign ministry) does nothing, and nor does the President of France. Indeed, Monsieur Macron has told the French people that more immigrants are on the way.

    • I can’t imagine that the Muslims in France or England are happy staying somewhat tolerant of the Woketard evil that the elite cabal and these Marxist/Facist traitor puppet leaders like Johnson and Macron combined with the woketard media, and the Demonrats in America and other Western leader puppets in Australia and New Zealand who were penetrated by Klaus Schwab (WEF) and the global elite cabal.

      What it really is by the elite cabal is their desire to establish their new world order and it is a war of God, particularly the Judean-Christian God (Jesus Christ)! As Bible scripture is 100% accurate and it predicts they will bring a new world order to the world at some time this century, but is this the decade? I don’t know, but I think not. I think God will use this push by the evil ones which shadow Revelation 6 – 4 horseman of the Apocalypse. Right now, the first 2 have ridden.
      The 3rd horse, the black horse is mounted and will ride soon with famine and inflation. It is the last horse that is the worst as it brings the triangle of death (war, famine, pestilence), but also a new vector in the last days which is attacks by animals as God removes their innate fear of humans. Like I said, I don’t think this is the actual Revelation 6 playing out now, but a shadow of it. It is like a warm-up band at a concert preparing the way for the main event, but it will give many a wakeup call and a chance to put their faith in the One True God and His Son – Jesus Christ! Pain and suffering is loving discipline by God to get some people off their current trajectory towards the eternal lake of fire because of their love for sin.

      What is interesting is the blindness the Woketards have regarding the Muslim religion (Islam) because it supports many of the same attributes of morality except many practitioners will justify murder and hate of the non-Muslim Gentiles and Jews. Romans 1:18-32 explains this and how we have become nations of “woe” according to Isaiah 5:20. The blind irony with the sinful left is that in their higher Muslim environments, those liberal sinners who hate God and love sin and promote LGBQXYZ and female political leaders would all be put to death for their evil ways and violations of Sharia law of the Muslims. Except for females in leadership, the same punishment to the liberals would happen in Russia and China. The Christians who the woketards and elites hate as much as the Jew are actually overly tolerant of this evil which I do think is going to change as the woketards and Satan are overplaying their hand in America and elsewhere in the West!

      Some say civil war is coming to America, I’m not that smart to know, but my guess is with a much larger percentage of Muslims in Europe, the nations of France, and England are more likely to have a civil war because of the degenerate left are likely looked upon as a scourge in humanity by many Muslims who are less tolerant than Christians and Jews.

      This is an exciting time to be alive! Never in histroy exxcept during the time of Nimrod and the tower of Babel has the world witnessed a sameness of an ideology and laws of Satans being pushed and coordinated world-wide. Folks, this tells us the rapture of the followers of Jesus Christ is near, and the time of Jacobs trouble is on the near horizon for the first time in human history! Also, the players and the reasons for Ezekiel 38 – Gog of Magog war are in place! Exciting time to follow Christ and God’s Word – Old and New Testament of the Bible. Very scary and bad time for those who reject Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior for the future is only going to get darker and darker for mankind as evil increases and eventually is unrestrained unlike any other time in human history except the closest being the time leading to the flood.

      Read John 3 to know how to avoid the lake of fire. Read Revelation 21:8 to know your future if you reject Jesus Christ or say you believe in Jesus but are a coward to spread the truth to others, or to stand against evil for righteousness, truth and justice!

      • You’re welcome to assume and presume what you like, but to say DEFINITIVELY that “the first 2 Horsemen have ridden”, and the 3rd one is coming soon, is to show that you really DON’T the Bible as well as you think you do. Jesus himself told us, “But of that day and hour knoweth no man, no, not the angels of heaven, but my Father only” (Matthew 24:36; Mark 13:32 says similar). Yes, he was speaking specifically about his own return to Earth, but as that’s part of the big show, we therefore CANNOT know when the big show starts, including things leading up to it, like the 4 Horsemen. AND, the signs of many of these happenings are quite vague – many such happenings can be interpreted not only to be happening now, but to have already happened many times before now! I would be extremely careful how you interpret the Book of Revelation. Especially in how you do so to others. God bless.

  5. Hi Michael –

    Re: “What caused the fire at Notre Dame? Did we ever get to the bottom of that?”

    The official story is that the fire at the world-famous Notre Dame Cathedral was caused by an electric short or some other “workplace accident,” but internet camera footage showing a man dressed in Muslim grab setting the blaze, was downloaded and captured by independent observers before the French government managed to get it scrubbed.

    Macron’s government is explicitly hostile to the France of its founders, and is a globalist and graduate of the Young Leaders Program at the World Economic Forum.

    As for churches in France, there have been some four-hundred churches set on fire in recent years. And as you note, priests attacked and even killed via ritual beheading carried out by jihadists.

    The Islamic colonization of France is now so far-advanced that in certain sections of large cities, outsiders – meaning infidels or non-Muslims – cannot enter in safety without a police or military escort. Sharia patrols of young Islamic thugs patrol the streets and police the clothing and behavior of everyone in these areas. And the Quai d’Orsay (French foreign ministry) does nothing, and nor does the President of France. Indeed, Monsieur Macron has told the French people that more immigrants are on the way.

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