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Aggression increasing in Hong Kong: you may have seen some of the reports today

I spent some hours at two separate protests today. The first was pro-CCP (Chinese Communist Party) where this lady in the video participated. The second protest was anti-CCP.

A big protest/clash will start in about 15 hours from now, at 1500 hours local time, Hong Kong. Anything can happen. It may turn lethal. I have no idea. I will be in the middle, like normal.

Folks sent links about the Antifa attack that just happened against blogger Andy Ngo. Sounds pretty bad. I hope Andy survives. This leftwing type can get ultra-violent.

Tomorrow, Hong Kongers will face off against the ultimate leftwing authoritarians, the Chinese Communist Party. The party that brought us and a lot, lot more. This is all live fire.

I need to get some rest in case there is combat later today. If you see big fighting in Hong Kong on television today — I will be in the middle as witness.

Must rest for combat.

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Thank you, and rest well. Big day starts in about 13 more hours, and protest starting in about 14.5 hours.

To watch the video footage of Facebook:

Michael Yon

Michael Yon is America's most experienced combat correspondent. He has traveled or worked in 82 countries, including various wars and conflicts.

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