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Andrew MacGregor Marshall, Former Journalist.


05 May 2014

Andrew Marshall.

Over the years an unwelcome retinue of stalkers appeared at my heels.  Only a few stand out.  Just why I suffer from stalkers is a mystery: I am no Brad Pitt or Justin Bieber.

My latest stalker is Mr. Andrew MacGregor Marshall.  This former Reuters bureau chief is infamous in Thailand for maligning the Thai Royal Family, his combative and insulting misconduct on social media, and his infatuation with prostitution.

Writing such a dispatch as this is a displeasurable experience.  It feels like dirty work.  Something that causes one to wash hands and the keyboard after it is finished.  The subject is what it is.

This is not to imply that any of the women depicted in the following photographs with Marshall are prostitutes.  These are merely party images.  Marshall posts photographs of real prostitutes on his Facebook page.  Examples are included later in the dispatch.






Marshall has shared more than 5,000 personal images on Facebook. When Marshall is not partying his way through Asia, he insults total strangers.

Michael Yon

Michael Yon is America's most experienced combat correspondent. He has traveled or worked in 82 countries, including various wars and conflicts.

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