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Bowe Bergdahl: Two messages from the Taliban

===Begin Taliban message===

dont worry , we are not like Americans  who are doing to bad with their presnors in their preson , may be you remember or not the lady who was in our preson b4 and then she became muslim . it was because of good behaviour of our comanders . He is safe and have good health and sorry for this to say that we will invite you to see him becase of some security reasons .

But I asure you that he is happy and have good health . our holy prophet (Hazrat muhammad ) pbuh teach us how to deal with presnors .
so once again dont worry abut him , and my reqards and about his health to his family .
be safe.

===End Taliban message===

Also, on 29 March 2012, I had emailed a follow-up to the account of Zabihullah Mujahid:

===Begin my message===


Please ask the Taliban if I can come with a camera to record that Bowe is okay.

If you can send recent photos of Bowe, I would greatly appreciate this.

Thank you.

====End my message===

The second email today from the account of Zabihullah Mujahid:

===Begin Taliban message===

you have to wait for this, we know better that which time is best for his pic or vidio.

===End Taliban message===

Michael Yon

Michael Yon is America's most experienced combat correspondent. He has traveled or worked in 82 countries, including various wars and conflicts.

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