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Defence Daily Update – 26 February 2008

Marine Will Charters of 40 Commando's Bravo Company Group, based at Sangin carries a wounded girl to the First Aid Post [Picture: LA (Phot) AJ Mcleod]

Defence in the Media: 26 February 2008

Panorama: “British soldiers abused Iraqis”
Last night’s Panorama programme broadcast on BBC1 contained a series of allegations of abuse by British soldiers against Iraqi civilians following a gun battle in southern Iraq in May 2004. The MOD and Armed Forces take very seriously any allegations of wrongdoing by our troops and matters such as these are thoroughly investigated. Allegations of mistreatment, unlawful killing and mutilation by British troops following an incident at Vehicle Checkpoint Danny Boy were thoroughly investigated by the RMP. Their investigation lasted 10 months, involved the interviewing of over 150 British personnel and 50 Iraqi nationals, and found no evidence to support these allegations. New allegations are part of an ongoing RMP (SIB) investigation and judicial review and it would be inappropriate to comment further.

“New medal for heroes”
The Daily Mirror runs an article regarding its Honour the Brave medal campaign ahead of today’s House of Commons debate led by Kevan Jones MP. The article calls for a new medal to be awarded to military personnel killed and injured on operations. There are currently no plans to introduce recognition for those wounded or killed on operations, however our policy on recognition for service personnel in operational theatres is kept under constant review by Military Chiefs of Staff.

Image of the day: 26 February 2008

Marine Will Charters of 40 Commando’s Bravo Company Group, based at Sangin carries a wounded girl to the First Aid Post. The girls was one of two who were seriously injured when Taliban insurgents launched a rocket attack at the Sangin Forward Operating Base. The girls were brought to the FOB where they recieved medical assistance, and were later flown to Camp Bastion for further treatment. Marine Charters, 19, from Exeter, said: “I’ve seen casualties before but it’s horrible when children are involved.”

The Royal Marines from 40 Commando are halfway through their six month deployment to Afghanistan and are based in Taunton. They are working within 52 Infantry Brigade alongside the Royal Marines of the Armoured Support Group and their colleagues from the Royal Navy’s Fleet Air Arm. [Picture: LA (Phot) AJ Mcleod]

Defence Diary: 26 February 2008

Today – 26 February 2008
The 2007 Combined Services Sports Awards to be presented at the RAF Club

Tomorrow – 27 February 2008
A mix of gallantry and non-operational awards will be invested
The ten-man operational ration packs will be demonstrated at Oldfield Girls’ School, in Bath
Ninth Royal United Services Institute (RUSI) Missile Defence Conference, untill 29 February


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Michael Yon

Michael Yon is America's most experienced combat correspondent. He has traveled or worked in 82 countries, including various wars and conflicts.

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