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Dispatch 50: Just left residence of Vice President Mike Pence

Was a great time. Many interesting people there including some Generals/officers I knew or knew of. Saw Robert Spalding and said hello. Retired Air Force Brigadier General. Spalding is a serious dude. Wrote the book “Stealth War: How China took over while America’s Elite Slept.” I read all words and recommend this book. You know I normally like combat types. BG Spalding was a B2 bomber pilot. Combat folks write in a direct way that I prefer.

Met other very interesting people. We should have been talking business but I told some cannibal hunting stories. You know how I am with cannibal stories. I am from Florida, after all. And so, “Florida Man goes to Vice President Residence and tells cannibal hunting stories.”

Michael Yon

Michael Yon is America's most experienced combat correspondent. He has traveled or worked in 82 countries, including various wars and conflicts.

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