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Embed Approval

23 May 2011

The US military in Afghanistan has approved my return with US forces.  Embed should start roughly 02 June with no particular end date in mind.  The plan is to start down South, head to Kabul, then elsewhere.  There will be much fighting this summer.  The Taliban appear to be taking a terrible beating.

Of note: rumors were spread last year that I had been barred from embed for OPSEC violations.  I have never been barred from embed.  Not for OPSEC or for any reason whatsoever.   No military has ever accused me of OPSEC violations.  The accusers have been discredited.  For example, some within the milblog community spread the rumor that I had been disembedded from Canadian forces for security violations.  I’ve never embedded with Canadian forces.

Bottom line: I should be back in Afghanistan in about 10 days.

Michael Yon

Michael Yon is America's most experienced combat correspondent. He has traveled or worked in 82 countries, including various wars and conflicts.

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