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From Haiti to New Jersey

31 December 2022

From a Haitian girl, Madeisy, who was 16 when we met her in Colombia preparing to cross through Darien Gap. We next met her family in Mexico and had dinner with them. Madeisy and her brother and Mother made it to New Jersey.

From Madeisy on her Facebook:

“UNITED STATES is not the country that everyone says you come to have a good time, no friends, here you come to work, to suffer, to cry 😢 when you’re alone you feel like going back home, but there’s no turning back.” – Madeisy


Madeisy being photographed by Masako Ganaha

This is Masako Ganaha photographing Madeisy in Necocli, Colombia, just before Madeisy and her family crossed Darien Gap. I made this photograph of Masako and Madeisy.

Later, Madeisy and her mother and brother would tell us in Mexico the journey was hell, and about the dead people and rapes and more. And they made it to New Jersey and now are unhappy. Like most of America.

Someone told them lies, and they nearly died to reach those lies where they found the truth.  They were tricked.  America is not meant to be a free ride.

Millions of ‘migrants’ will be are being weaponized against Americans.  This is weaponized migration.  An old tactic, old as time.

Chuck Holton was also there. Chuck is back from Ukraine and sent Madeisy’s facebook post today.

Michael Yon

Michael Yon is America's most experienced combat correspondent. He has traveled or worked in 82 countries, including various wars and conflicts.

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