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Memorial Day 2009

25 May 2009

Searching for an opportunity to honor America’s veterans this Memorial Day, a moment presented itself.  Some friends and I visited a school for blind children in Chiang Mai, Thailand.  I saw about 110 students who seemed to range in age from about six to mid-teens.  The school was clean and most of the kids seemed happy and they were cutting up like kids do.  Some of the older boys, in particular, acted in the normal crazy ways that many teen aged boys act.  Basically they were making a nuisance of themselves, but they seemed goodhearted and they listened to the teachers.  We stayed for about an hour and helped serve lunch to the kids who were very friendly and there was a lot of laughter, other than from one little girl.  She was about seven years-old and she was weeping and a teacher said that nobody had come to visit her for three months.  Her mother had disappeared.  It was heartbreaking to see her crying for her mother.  The little girl has nobody other than the teachers at the school.

I made a donation to the school in honor of America’s veterans and drove away very saddened.


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Michael Yon

Michael Yon is America's most experienced combat correspondent. He has traveled or worked in 82 countries, including various wars and conflicts.

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