It is important to add that some websites are running fast and furious with misquotes of my words. They misquote, through sloth or intention, and build a case from there. Nowhere have I said that rocket launchers and machineguns are being legally purchased in the United States and being shipped abroad. I offer a $10 reward for the first person who finds such a quote from me. I would also ask that all those who made such assertions, erroneously, send me $10 when they fail to find the quotes.
Insofar as my mislink:
The story that was actually linked: The Myth of 90 Percent: Only a Small Fraction of Guns in Mexico Come From U.S.
Should have been this story, by Matt Sanchez:
Mexican Drug Cartels Armed to the Hilt, Threatening National Security
Wednesday, February 04, 2009
By Matt Sanchez
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