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News flash for Osama bin Laden

Even Western media seems to be gradually awakening to the realization that al Qaeda press releases on the topic of Iraq are about as well-informed as the post-invasion rantings of Baghdad Bob. (Everytime Osama bin Laden talks of crushing the infidel, I can’t help but think of Mohammed Saeed al-Sahaf pointing vigorously skyward and practically spitting at the reporters: “We are crushing the American army as we speak!”)

Al Qaeda terrorists can continue to murder Iraqis and Americans at the behest of Osama, but their tactics will only backfire. Osama will no more own Iraq than he will own America. His is a lost cause.  Not because of decisive military defeats, (although these have helped) but because decent Iraqi people from all quarters, sects and regions of Iraq have had enough of his people cutting off heads of children.

It’s understandable that this turn of events might come as news to Osama, because he cannot set foot in Iraq for fear of his life. Osama is welcome to prove this wrong by visiting Basra, Baghdad or Mosul.  Iraqis and Americans will welcome Osama in these cities.


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Michael Yon

Michael Yon is America's most experienced combat correspondent. He has traveled or worked in 82 countries, including various wars and conflicts.

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