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Now: Alexandroupoli, Greece

1) Panama to New York, JFK
2) Newark to Athens
3) Flew Athens to Alexandroupoli
4) Drove to Bulgaria — spent night in Bulgaria
5) This morning drove from Bulgaria back to Alexandroupoli

Untitled 2

And the 72 hour test just expired.

We just finished another interview. This time with a Police Major. This evening, Police will take us to the border wall where they use all sorts of sensors, and also acoustic cannon. I asked the Police Major if I can film them shooting Chuck with the sound cannon. The police said they will take us to the border but will not shoot Chuck for me to film.

Am running on some sleep deprivation so will take a two hour night. Adios for now.

Please share this out. And Please financ ially support my work. Because In need it.

Will publish more tonight such as that about 80 percent of those illegally crossing here are Turkish.

Michael Yon

Michael Yon is America's most experienced combat correspondent. He has traveled or worked in 82 countries, including various wars and conflicts.

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