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Possible Chemical Weapons attack in Northern Iraq

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UPDATE 14 Feb 2016:

This came from a former EOD officer and close friend who served two tours in Iraq and still teaches internationally on the topic:

Oh, before I forget, they really need some 256 kits to be sure on the chem from the Free Burma Ranger report. Some incendiary compounds can fail to ignite and look like a black oily mess with fumes on occasion. Given that various groups in that region typically modify ordnance I would not put it past them to improvise an incendiary.


I’m not sure either way and would have to defer to the blood test from the hospital on those who were exposed as well as a 256 kit or other detection to see, but black and oil could also be an incendiary as well as chemical. Just another potential.

13 Feburary 2016

Just in from Iraq: Victim interview after yesterday’s possible Chemical Weapons attack in Northern Iraq

From Free Burma Rangers in Iraq. FBR told me just now that NYT likely will publish on it.

Please scroll down for two previous entries from my FB with far more details on who, what, when, where, how.

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Michael Yon

Michael Yon is America's most experienced combat correspondent. He has traveled or worked in 82 countries, including various wars and conflicts.

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