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Dutch Resistance Art

03 July 2022

Amsterdam, Netherlands
Mind dump

Farmers and other resistance are saying the plan to shut this country down. These are serious people. I believe them. Am also seeing German farmers joining in Solidarity. I do not know if this will be widespread in Germany. I did just watch a German farmer talking about standing beside Dutch farmers.

The importance of all this cannot be understated. Both Germany and Netherlands comprise some of the world’s best farmers.

Little Germany and the tiny Netherlands are the #2 and #6 biggest food producers in the world. That’s how serious these folks are as business people and farmers. They know how to do “stuff” at a high level and they think practically. I lived in Germany for four years and speak German. I lived in Bavaria surrounded by farms and farmers. These people are not to be trifled with.

These are not trashy, uneducated, drug-addled ANTIFA or Black Lives Matter terrorists who cannot balance a checkbook. These literally are some of the best farmers on Earth. This, again, means they also are serious business people.

Farmers do not like to waste time. They are business people and have farms that need constant attention. When you got farmers ready to shut down their own country — and farmers and truckers and these sorts are the backbone of the country, not the stupid politicians buying into all that global warming kult bullshit — it’s time to step back and listen to the backbone.

The farmers are in the right. Their fight is our fight. They are fighting the globalists who are driving this growing global famine. Massive numbers of people will starve to death over the next couple/few years. Due to Davos/WEF terrorists.

Say their names. They have no armies. Don’t fight their policies. Fight them personally. Globalists are about to kill hundreds of millions of people and drive world-changing migrations.

The genocide is already started such as with the fake vaxxines.

Dutch and German farmers are our allies.

Michael Yon

Michael Yon is America's most experienced combat correspondent. He has traveled or worked in 82 countries, including various wars and conflicts.

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