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Afghan and Coalition Forces Open Park near Hutal Bazaar


The Hutal Park was previously open land near the Hutal Bazaar, but Afghan workers with the Civil Service Department constructed three swingsets and a merry-go-round, and will complete soccer goals in the near future. CSD workers also emplaced a low security wall and removed debris and trash from the site.

The NATO Senior Civilian Representative to Afghanistan, Ambassador Simon Gass, participated in a ribbon-cutting ceremony for the park, July 26, and noted its importance to the people of Hutal. It is the only playground area within Hutal, and has already hosted a band’s concert there with more than 50 people attending.

The park is a component of the first phase of projects along Highway 1 meant to revitalize and develop the highway for commerce and transportation. Afghan and coalition forces are planning to install road signs and emergency call boxes, build vehicle inspection stations, and distribute micro-grants to shop owners to boost their businesses.

While the park is not complete yet, coalition forces officials are planning to level more land, finish painting another Afghan flag on walls, and install soccer goals at a nearby field.

Combined Task Force Spartan Public Affairs Office
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