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ISAF Joint Command morning operational update: 05 November 2012


Afghan and coalition security forces seized 1,270 kilograms (2,800 pounds) of opium and 40 kilograms (88 pounds) of heroin following a brief firefight in southern Helmand province in which one insurgent was killed and another was detained Saturday. The vehicle and drugs were destroyed on site.


Afghan Police members of Provincial Response Company Ghazni, enabled by coalition forces, seized a cache of explosives and IED making materials in Ghazni Province yesterday.  The seized items included three 40mm rocket-propelled grenades, one antitank mine and one IED with detonation cord ready to use. All materials were destroyed on location.

An Afghan and coalition force detained three suspected insurgents during a security operation in search of a Haqqani leader in Khost province today. The leader is believed to be responsible for multiple attacks throughout southern Khost province as well as IED emplacement. During the operation, the security force also seized an assault rifle and numerous grenades.

Afghan and coalition forces killed two insurgents engaged in threatening activity during separate operations in Kunar and Logar provinces Sunday.


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