An Afghan and coalition security force detained a Taliban leader in Khanabad district, Kunduz province, Sunday. The leader was directly involved in the planning of improvised explosive device attacks on Government of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan officials, as well as Afghan and coalition security forces. He was also a financial facilitator who coordinated funding to support the insurgency.
A Taliban leader was detained by an Afghan and coalition security force in Nad ‘Ali district, Helmand province, today. The leader commanded a Taliban direct action cell within Nad ‘Ali district. He coordinated the execution of multiple improvised explosive device and direct action attacks against Afghan and coalition security forces. During the operation, the security force also detained two suspected insurgents.
An Afghan and coalition security force arrested a Taliban leader in Jalalabad district, Nangarhar province, today. He was directly involved in anti-Government of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan attack planning. During the operation, the security force also detained one suspected insurgent.
During a security operation in search of a Haqqani leader in Musa Khel district, Khost province, today, an Afghan and coalition security force detained four insurgents. The Haqqani leader is responsible for distributing, planning and conducting attacks against Afghan and coalition security forces within the district. During the operation, the security force seized multiple firearms with associated gear.
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