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ISAF Joint Command morning operational update: 26 September 2012


In Nawa district, Helmand province Saturday, an orphaned Afghan boy between 10 and 12 years old escaped from insurgents who were attempting to use him as a suicide bomber, and fled to the Afghan National Police. According to the boy, insurgents had given him money in order to influence him to wear a suicide vest and detonate this near ISAF or ANSF personnel. The boy refused. The boy is currently receiving care and support from the Afghan police.


An Afghan and coalition security force arrested two Taliban leaders – an attack commander and an improvised explosive (IED) expert – during an operation in Ghazni district, Ghazni province today. The detained Taliban attack commander is suspected of having directed IED attacks against coalition and Afghan security forces across the district, in addition to coordinating the construction of homemade explosives and providing training on their use and placement. The detained Taliban IED expert acquired and constructed several types of explosives for insurgent attacks and is also believed to be involved in suicide bomber training. The security force also detained three suspected insurgents as a result of this operation.

Afghan and coalition forces today confirmed the arrest of a Haqqani improvised explosive device (IED) attack leader in Khost district, Khost province, Monday. The detained Haqqani leader is suspected of having coordinated and planned IED attacks against Afghan and coalition forces throughout the region. He was directly involved in acquiring and distributing large amount of explosives and weapons, as well as providing training on the use of homemade bombs. At the time of his arrest, the Haqqani leader was believed to have been attempting to infiltrate Afghan security forces. The security force also seized several firearms and heavy weapons ammunition as a result of the operation.

Provincial Response Company Wardak, mentored by coalition forces, reinforced another PRC patrol under enemy fire in Maidan Shahr district, Wardak province yesterday and successfully defeated the insurgent attack, causing seven enemy killed in action. Responding to the request for a quick reaction force, the combined Afghan Special Police and coalition element reached the unit in contact and was itself engaged by small arms and rocket propelled grenade fire from insurgents before successfully fighting off the attack. Coalition officials said the rapid and effective response from PRC Wardak demonstrates their increased capability in responding to enemy attacks and their dedication to supporting their fellow Afghans in arms.

An Afghan and coalition security force arrested a Taliban leader in Wali Muhammad Shahid Khugyani district, Ghazni province, today. The detained Taliban leader is believed to have coordinated with insurgent groups to conduct direct-fire and improvised explosive device (IED) attacks targeting Afghan and coalition forces. The security force also detained four suspected insurgents as a result of the operation.

Afghan National Army soldiers in partnership with United States Special Forces killed one insurgent after being attacked at a local bazaar and a combined ANA and U.S. outpost in Bahadur village, Wardak province yesterday. After approximately 8-10 insurgents opened fire with small arms and rocket propelled grenades, the combined force returned fire, secured the bazaar and village, and killed one insurgent at his fighting position. No civilians or Afghan National Security Forces were injured or killed during the engagement.


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