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War Room: The Dutch Government Is Demonizing The Farmers

Fight Global Tyranny.

Michael Yon appears on War Room with Steve Bannon.

The Netherlands is a huge food exporter.  The government’s destruction of the Dutch farmland and attacks on Dutch farmers are creating a global pump for migrant pressures and increasing the global famine impacts.  The famine will increase the HOP (Human Osmotic Pressure) that will send more migrant invaders to the southern border of the US.

Just like Stalin did by creating and demonizing the Kulak class in Russia/Ukraine in order to conduct genocide.  The Dutch government and Euro Fascist bloc disinformation outlets are demonizing the farmers in an attempt to grab their land and create a new Holodomor.  Yet the Dutch Famers continue to resist tyranny and stand up to the attempted global takeover of farmland, agricultural production, distribution, and transportation in order to induce a massive famine.

“This is the global administrative state at work” – Steve Bannon.

Fight Global Tyranny.

Air Date July 5, 2022

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Michael Yon

Michael Yon is America's most experienced combat correspondent. He has traveled or worked in 82 countries, including various wars and conflicts.

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