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US Government Claims attack on ISIS-K

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Let’s see…this means to find this credible I must believe Biden, Austin, Milley, and the people who got us into this. Same ones who left the border wide open. Trying to force mass vaccinations which ultimately will cause more death and explosive outrage than Afghanistan. And who supported ANTIFA/BLM burning, raping, murdering, while blaming “white rage.” All while trying to make Butch Cassidy into an Army Ranger.

I gauge trust in US government somewhere slightly above North Korea and Haiti, Biden as a man significantly lower than Putin — in total I trust our government about as much as Cuba. Simply zero trust in top military or civilian leadership. Not “trust but verify.” But active mistrust and distrust. I expect them to habitually lie even about things where no lie is needed and they were better served by truth. They are addicted to lying.

Michael Yon

Michael Yon is America's most experienced combat correspondent. He has traveled or worked in 82 countries, including various wars and conflicts.

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