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Hutal Residents Celebrate Eid-al-Fitr with Concert in the Park


Nearby, children were enjoying the new playground equipment at the Hutal Park, courtesy of Afghan civilians working for the Civil Service Department, who built the equipment. The playground consists of three swing sets and one merry-go-round, and will eventually include two soccer goals for games of soccer.

The commander of coalition forces in Hutal, Lt. Col. Christopher Kidd, was amazed at the impromptu concert, and said residents there felt safe enough to host the concert in celebration of the Eid ul Fitr festivities.

“It was a complete and extremely pleasant surprise to see a local band had set up and was playing for all the children and adults alike,” said Kidd. “The park was thriving and everyone was in good spirits. The people of Maiwand have truly taken ownership of the new Hutal Park.”

Eid ul Fitr is a three-day Muslim holiday that marks the end of Ramazan, the month of fasting for Muslims. Afghans celebrate it by visiting with family and friends, hosting dinners and parties, and even buying new clothes.


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