Afghan and coalition forces confirmed today the death of a Taliban leader, Qari Nasratullah, during a security operation in Sar-e Pul province Friday. Qari Nasratullah is believed to have commanded more than 20 Taliban fighters. During the operation, the security force also seized multiple weapons, grenades and associated gear.
During a security operation in search of a Taliban leader today, an Afghan and coalition security force killed a number of insurgents in Kunduz province. During the operation, the security force seized several weapons and grenades.
Coalition forces confirmed today the arrest of insurgent leader Abdul Zahir in Nimroz province on an Afghan Special Police-led mission Monday. Abdul Zahir coordinated the flow of IEDs and weapons into the Nimroz province area.
Afghan and coalition forces today confirmed the death of Taliban leader Sher Ali in a security operation conducted Tuesday in Kandahar province. Ali, also known as Haji Ustad, exercised command and control in an area of Kandahar province. In the days leading to the operation, Ali was believed to be gathering and delivering explosives for an attack against Afghan and coalition forces.
Afghan and coalition forces killed two insurgents during an operation in Helmand province today. Prior to their death, the security force observed the two militants engaging in insurgent activity.
An Afghan and coalition force killed two insurgents during a security operation in search of a Taliban leader and improvised explosive device expert in Laghman province today. The security force also seized multiple weapons and 13 pounds of illegal narcotics as a result of the operation.
Afghan and coalition forces conducted two security operations resulting in the death of two armed insurgents in Ghazni province Friday.
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