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Preliminary investigation findings from attack at North KAIA

Published: 29 April 2011

Classification: NATO/ISAF


Preliminary investigation findings from attack at North KAIA

KABUL, Afghanistan (April 29) – In light of inaccuracy in media reports to date on this incident, the International Security Assistance Force is releasing initial findings of the investigation into the deaths at North Kabul International Airport.

Preliminary findings of this investigation indicate that the NATO trainers who were killed were armed with weapons and ammunition.  In addition, initial ballistics analysis and post-event imagery indicate that the alleged gunman, who appeared to be acting alone, was severely wounded prior to departing the room where the initial attack took place.  Initial reports also indicate the gunman appeared to be carrying two weapons. The gunman was later found dead at a different location within the building.

At this point in the investigation, it appears that the gunman was acting alone.  Beyond that, no Taliban connection with the gunman has been discovered; however, the investigation is still ongoing, and we have not conclusively ruled out that possibility.

Following the attack at North KAIA on April 27 that resulted in the death of eight NATO service members and one civilian trainer, NATO Training Mission-Afghanistan initiated a combined investigation with the Government of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan to determine the circumstances surrounding the incident.  Additional investigation results will be released when available.

For more information call LTC Shawn
Stroud, NTM-A Director of Communication


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