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CCP information War in Panama City, Panama: Confucius Institute

Panama City, Panama

A Yon-Genre mind-dump, sans edit

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Panama is one of the most strategic slices of land on earth.

The short story: The Panama Canal was opened to traffic on 15 August 1914. A marvel of engineering, labor, and human sacrifice in the face of yellow fever, malaria, and plenty more. This gateway between the seas is also a strategic commercial and military artery.

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The spectre Chinese control of The Canal is a big, big deal. Some will say this is not permitted under Panamanian law. The only law that finally matters with CCP is Jungle Law.

While President Jimmy Carter was busy offering the American throat to Iranians, Carter kept busier by giving away The Canal. And now, naturally, China is moving in.

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Migrants surge from around the world, into South America, trudge through Darien Gap, and rejoin the Pan Am highway on busses…they soon cross The Canal. Continue driving north, eventually to cities across America.

China grows across South and Central America. Just in the past days, China reportedly threatened Paraguay that Paraguay would get no CCP vaccine if Paraguay does not help isolate Taiwan.

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Meanwhile, Suez Canal remains blocked by the Evergreen ship, the “Ever Given.” Maybe just an accident. “Or whatever.”

I have written and warned about Confucius Institutes since 2014, as have others.

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Our collective efforts gained much success in shutting down CCP information operations in the United States.

Until January 2021.

Michael Yon

Michael Yon is America's most experienced combat correspondent. He has traveled or worked in 82 countries, including various wars and conflicts.

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