Many readers have helped support my dispatches, either by purchasing a book or donating. For that I am forever grateful.
Now I’m asking you to help show the men and women in our military how we are telling their true story back home. I know soldiers and I know how much it will mean to them to learn that the story of their growing successes in Iraq is being told faithfully.
I believe that getting a copy of Moment of Truth in Iraq to every soldier serving would help make them realize America has not forgotten, and that more and more Americans are beginning to realize what is happening in Iraq.
This project is dependent entirely upon private donations. Without your help, it won’t happen. For folks who wish to put one book in the hands of a soldier, it’s just $10. For five books, it’s just $40. Ten copies are $75. A donation of $150 will put a copy of Moment of Truth in Iraq in the hands of 30 American soldiers; that’s just $5 a book.
Please visit this website to make a donation.
The slogan of Soldiers’ Angels is “May No Soldier Go Unloved.” I’m asking you to join with me in showing your support and appreciation for those who put it all on the line, and please remember: All gave some, some gave all.
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