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PM’s letter to the Thai people

But anger, vengeance, and hatred cannot build Thailand’s future or the future Thai generations.

It’s now time that we reconcile for Thailand’s reform, drawing our hearts as one to protect the nation’s main institutions, improve equality, communicate constructively with one another, find and accept the facts and truth through the political process that is democratic, efficient, and transparent.

All of this cannot happen unilaterally from one side, but will require the unified efforts of all parties and all Thais.

For my part, I will arrange for all voices and all ideas to be heard, to help us move beyond this crisis and create a new future for Thailand.

It’s time for us to unite and build our home together.

I therefore would like to take this opportunity to invite all Thais to join hands in moving forward Thailand’s reform.

With confidence in all the Thai people,
Abhisit Vejjajiva


PM addresses the public, 10 June 2010 at 6 pm Government House

Dear Thai citizens, I have written a short letter addressed to all Thai citizens.  I and the government would like to invite everyone to be part of the reconciliation process that leads to reform and build the future for Thailand.  And today the government has organised a number of activities to signal the beginning of this process.  This morning we have organised a merit making to bless the future of Thailand which you might have heard and seen through live broadcast.  In addition to my invitation to all of you, the effort to unite, to motivate by engaging all sectors of the society to ensure the success of the reconciliation that leads to the reform, this evening I have invited other sectors to be part of this reform process, and many representatives are standing here with me with the cabinet, public sector, local administrative authorities, the media representatives, the academia as well as participations of the private sector.  What is delightful is that besides what you have heard in terms of our effort toward the reconciliation through the five-point reconciliation plan which has been reported in terms of the progress in setting up mechanisms to implement the process.  I have found that all sectors have moved ahead.  They have started constructive initiatives that will support the effort for reconciliation and reform and building a future for Thailand and making it possible.  The several local administrative agencies, Bangkok Metropolitan Administration, the Tambon Administrative Organisations have started the socialization process to engage the public to be part of the reconciliation and reform.  Village headmen and the local leaders with connection with the community have started to communicate the aims and objectives of the reconciliation plan to their people.  The private sectors have also started working by grasping the issues related to the economy in order to bring about the equality objective. Business of all sizes, community business can all exist together amicably.  The mass media themselves have also reconsidered their roles in terms of reform, using the resources available to contribute to the reconciliation and the reform.  In addition, the academia can play a crucial role in mobilizing the force of youths which have fresh mind and plenty of creative force to help further motivate the process.  Standing here are small parts of the society that are ready and have already actually moved ahead.  We are counting on your participation, broad-based participation, no matter who you are, what your political opinions are.  I would like to reaffirm that we are ready to engage everyone on board the process.  So please stay tuned so that you will be informed of different channels on how you can participate and contribute to the process, be it self-motivated.  The channels that we open up range from public opinion survey and various communication channel to providing the opportunity for broad-based public participation in the historical process.  I would like to reaffirm that effort will not be successful without your role and participation and I am fully aware that the process that has to address all the challenges including reform will take time. I am aware that this process will take longer than the life of the government, but I would like to see that in the next few months, the remainder of the year, we can mobilize, galvanize the force with a clear plan leading to reform to bring our country out of crisis and violence, and build a better standard of living, a better and brighter future for all citizens.  We have a detailed plan that can be implemented.  And we are clear on how different agencies can support the plan and that it is doable within the end of the year so that it can be a new year’s gift to all Thai citizens.  At the end of day any tasks that are ready to be implemented by the end of this year we will implement immediately.  I would like to invite you all again to be part of this process and that this exercise is all for the public good.  I am fully aware of the diversity of opinions in the society which is natural can exist and should be part of democratic governance.  The reconciliation plan that leads to reform will not affect the diversity.  Any past events that have to hold whoever to account should be fact base, evidence base. The government is open to fact-finding.  I would like to reiterate my invitation and with strong faith in the country and society I truly believe that your participation will ensure bright future and bring the country out of the crisis, and that our country will again inspire confidence and credibility from the world community.  Thank you once again.


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